Heya squad, I have Ciaras blessing to this here, as after over 2 years of being in this amazing squad its actually inspired me in other areas. I'm now doing a study for my Psychology Master's thesis on the topic of exercise groups both virtual and in person and how joining them affects overall psychological wellbeing. I would be so so grateful if you could fill in this study below that should take less than 10 mins to complete. All responses will be anonymous, much appreciated and will help in future research into the benefits of group exercise 🙂 LINK BELOW⤵️ https://nupsych.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zNEI7Q0azwK2a2 This study has received ethical approval from the Department of Psychology, Northumbria University ethics board (Project Ref: 49503). I really appreciate all responses, and all the support so far so thank you :) Glenda x

Posted by Glenda at 2022-08-07 07:48:32 UTC