Ok, so after 9 days of not being able to work out here in North Cyprus (family obligations, my boy having countless meltdowns etc), I’ve FINALLY been able to squeeze in a workout, I’m so sore but I FEEL GREAT!!! Caught up on last Friday’s Full Body Circuits with @Ciara London (after watching parts of it live in envy - dodgy wifi 😫🤦🏻‍♀️), I made a perfect choice of starting back with this one, such a great all-rounder I’m actually shaking from it!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫 super sweaty too, loved every second 💦💦 After still not being able to find anywhere that sells fitness equipment out here (there must be somewhere, just haven’t found a place yet, ffs), I used @Rania’s very clever idea of filling empty water bottles with sand, (wet sand is better as it’s heavier), and it definitely worked!! 😃😃 So smart, thank you Hun 🙏🏼🙏🏼💡💡 Hope I’ll be as lucky this week to do more, I’m definitely in a better mood now that I’ve had my workout. Have a great Wednesday everyone, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. 🙏🏼🧿💖 #feelingaccomplished #familylife #doingwhatican

Posted by Aysu at 2022-08-24 13:54:15 UTC