Unfortunately I don’t really have many before pics of me at my heaviest as I avoided getting caught in pictures and stuff as I didn’t really want to see it... but since lockdown 1.0 I started working out at home everyday starting with just 10min YouTube vids and then working my way up to joining the squad in May. I am now 13kg down and loving it. I did get very slim last summer so started bulking again to give me a little shape back but now shredding again to see some definition but still loving the new me in these pics now☺️ P.s (I have to take pics in my daughters room as I haven’t built up the courage yet to sort mirrors in my own room again) Also.. yes they are real rabbits in the back of my pics lol I have 2 free roam house bunnies 🐰💕

Posted by Koya B at 2021-04-13 11:05:16 UTC