Last night was such a blast. I have met so many wonderful women this year in person and each and every singe one of you is bringing to the table with your fitness journeys. I just wanted to share my progress so far with regards to the challenge. Some you will know that early last year I had an asthma flare and was put on a tablet I reacted very badly to. They wanted me to give the tablet a chance (despite the symptoms) and by month 6 it was agreed after having to go to hospital that I will be taken off of it. I was having crazy headaches, rashes and palpitations. A walk to the end of the road during that time was tough. I went into a depression and comfort ate because I did not recognise the person I had become. I felt defeated. Fast forward to December 2022, the min I felt able, I decided to take the plunge and start doing doing classes in person- best decision for me. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I am enjoying the process, I feel my mind is healthier and I have made friends for life- WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT BODILY SHAPES. EMBRACE YOURS, WORK TOWARDS YOUR GOALS AND ENJOY THE PROCESS. TAKE PRESSURE OFF OF WHERE YOU WANT TO BE AND ENJOY WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE ❤

Posted by Keepupwithems at 2023-03-10 09:49:15 UTC