Girls we have 8 days left before this challenge ends and a new one begins for April. Forget the scales and take progress pics. The scales tell me I've hardly lost a thing and it may be because of muscle weight and the amount of water i'm drinking, but when I take pics I can see changes. I'm not afraid to show that I have cellulite. However, exercising consistently has reduced the appearance with regards to how much cellulite can be seen. My waist is getting smaller and the "no thank you back ripples" are going. Side note: all of our bodies are different and will change at different rates. Enjoy the process. Don't compete. Don't lose heart. Stay focused and driven. Do this for YOU and YOU ALONE. Today we have been instructed to celebrate our progress and today I want to celebrate the fact that anxiety and self doubt has not prevented me from getting up and taking accountability and ownership to do what it takes to make me healthier and happier. I'm 34 in June. I needed to grasp the nettle. I needed to stop making excuses and ridiculous targets. Life is short and I know I want to live it to the fullest and bestest. I also want to celebrate all of you who keep pushing regardless of being mothers, in full time jobs or having physical ailments that get in the way. YOU ARE WONDERFUL 👏🏻

Posted by Keepupwithems at 2023-03-25 09:39:33 UTC