Today’s lunch and dinner: LUNCH: 2 Scrambled Eggs (in Almond milk), packed with sliced Cavolo Nero, Beans and a slice of Toasted Sourdough, with a side of Red Grapes, a Pink Lady Apple and another Decaf Earl Grey Cuppa… DINNER: my version of a Buddha Bowl, consisting of a Seasoned, Baked then Pulled chicken breast, Avocado, Artichokes, Chopped Coriander, Sliced Onions, Cherry Tomatoes, and Cucumbers, and a portion of Brown Basmati and Wild Rice, all dressed in lemon juice and with a dollop of 0% fat yoghurt (added after I took this shot)! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Who knew healthy could be so wonderfully delicious…?! Thoroughly enjoyed 👏🏼🥰💖

Posted by Aysu at 2023-03-28 18:56:32 UTC