Sensitive Post - So I started this journey due to being told about it by my bestie @Koya B. I struggled at 1st but then I actually enjoyed it working out nearly every day and twice a day. I lost over 2 stones and felt great. November I started to feel lazy and just couldn’t find the energy to do workouts as much as I was. Then in December I found out the best news IM PREGNANT !!!!!!!!!!! After having an ectopic pregnancy in 2019 & losing one of my Fallopian tubes I told myself I would never be able to conceive and here we are 😬😬😬 I want to get into my workouts again but I just feel so tired and I feel paranoid that I may do something to hurt the baby 🤦🏾‍♀️

Posted by Tanna at 2021-04-15 14:29:13 UTC