Happy Saturday everyone! I had a bit of a shite evening last night, I weighed myself for the first time since I was a teenager and the number was the highest I’ve ever seen it. I used to weigh myself a lot when I was younger and it was so mentally damaging, so instead I would base my health/fitness level on how I felt and looked because it was much healthier for me personally (mentally). But we got new scales recently so I tried it out last night and ngl, it took me right back to how I felt when I was younger which was crap because I’ve come so far since then, but that number still had some horrible power over me. When I know how much I weigh, it totally distorts how I see myself - I look in the mirror and instead of actually looking at my reflection in reality, my brain makes me over analyse every inch and tries to find problem areas, which I’ve been living in BLISS without for so many years. It was especially shit because for the last 5 months I’ve been working out so consistently with the squad and I’ve been eating pretty well too, and I’ve never felt so fit and strong! So I really wasn’t expecting it, and it totally floored me for the night. But i woke up early this morning feeling clear headed, and I’ve spent the morning reminding myself of the mental journey I’ve been on since I was younger in dealing with insecurities like this. I’m not completely there yet, but I’m working on self love and acceptance, and constantly striving for better. I just wanted to post this in case anyone else struggles with stuff like this, we’re in this together and we got this💫🧡

Posted by Deleted (17ffd29e) at 2021-04-17 06:41:38 UTC