☀️ Morning walks ☀️ As soon as it got lighter in the mornings, I decided I should try and go on a 30 minute morning walk on my WFH days. I cannot stress how much these morning walks have improved my mental and physical health! ✅ I get some time to myself before starting work ✅ I feel like I’m “travelling” to work ✅ It boosts my energy, even if I woke up super groggy and sleepy ✅ My mood is lifted ✅ Stretches out my legs ✅ I get to see the sun on beautiful mornings like this - which brings me so much JOY 🤩 I do the same route every morning, maybe I should switch it up 😂 anyone else love a morning walk?

Posted by Esther Samson at 2021-04-23 06:48:03 UTC