Appreciating these legs that have carried me round many miles walking these last couple weeks as I've been off training due to a back injury as I left my osteopath appointment at @deletedmember 's amazing clinic. Her lovely colleague Payal said I was good to start training again and yesterday I did my first bit of exercise in almost 2 weeks and I was SO happy! πŸ˜„πŸ™ŒπŸΎ Did @jadelouisetraining low impact full body and it was my first time with her and so it was really nice to try out some new moves! Gonna have to be low impact for next few days and then will try a high impact next week I think, but I can't wait to try and get this bum to catch up with these legs lmao πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ any quad/hamstring dominant girls relate? πŸ˜…

Posted by Glenda at 2021-05-06 18:47:34 UTC