Since the beginning of this year my training routine has not been great. At the end of 2020 I was feeling pretty good in mind & body & loving my workouts but at the start of 2021 things kinda went downhill. I had a fall at the end of Jan which had me resting for a few weeks but then my mental health really declined in Feb & March to the point I was hardly eating or sleeping so literally had no energy to train. From past experience I know that exercise is amazing for my state of mind but I had no motivation & on some days could barely leave the house. However I gradually started going for walks & that really helped shift my mindset. I managed do a few workouts here & there but wasn’t enjoying them as much. Despite knowing I’d been through a tough time I was still hard on myself & had a lot of guilt about not training. Often I would plan to get back on it but then would feel so tired at just the thought & couldn’t face it. But yesterday I pushed through that mental barrier & joined Ciara’s 12pm class.. it was hard but I’m so proud I did it!! I know how difficult it can be to get back into working out after a long break but the first session back is always the hardest.. for me once you push past that initial resistance it gets easier each time. Many of us have struggled these past few months & often when our mind is unwell it can also affect us physically as we feel so drained of energy. One of my fears was about how my body would change & whilst I’m not in shape like I was at the end of last year that’s alright. What I’ve gained is a deeper appreciation for all my body does for me & how blessed I am to be able to exercise now that I feel ready. So for anyone else who may be struggling please be kind to yourself, try to remember that this phase will pass & not exercising for some time is absolutely ok. If you ever need to talk please do reach out to me or any of the other Squad girls. I seriously can’t thank @deletedmember enough for creating this beautiful community of like minded souls 💫 Love you all so much 💖💖💖

Posted by Vidula at 2021-05-12 20:06:15 UTC