Life really is going 100 miles an hour and my head is flying about with big life decisions that I don’t feel old enough/ready for. And that my anxious lil brain can’t cope with. I feel an immense pressure to achieve the next THING. Anyone else? I really needed yesterday’s “regain your strength” chat with @deletedmember to refocus my energy 🙏 So I’ve wrote down “things that make me happy that I don’t do enough” ✨ Not going to set myself crazy limits, like reading x amount a week, or beating myself up if I don’t do my daily affirmations, but I know what I need to do - I just need to do it. What did you guys take from the chat? Do you have anything similar? Also I KNOW my handwriting is atrocious I am ashamed and embarazzed (also LOL at my blue pen running out at the top)

Posted by Esther Samson at 2021-05-12 21:36:40 UTC