Little photo here of my progress since being part of this amazing squad! I joined in the squad in April 2020 after having my little boy born in December 2019. I was weighting 77 kilos and feeling down when joined up the squad, my sister @kellyrochasantos who joined the squad first was telling me ‘please join the squad it’s amazing’ me thinking but I just had a baby it’s so hard to sleep and do other things it’s impossible to train’ then she said ‘ I will pay you the first month if you see you can’t do it I will just cancel it ‘ I am so grateful for this motivation because today I finally feel good to myself!! It’s so much more to improve but for all mummies in this squad ‘YES it’s so hard to keep up with work outs when you work, have a baby to look after and housework’ but if you decide to do it you will see the results!! I am Not perfect and I don’t train every single day of the week but when I do train I feel amazing !! And I am going to continue to do it until I see the results I am aiming for!! Big thank you for @Body by Ciara Squad # @Body by Ciara Official. @Ciara London @deletedmember @Sophie Hardy for the amazing work outs until today!! 💖💖💖💖💖

Posted by jessicaRodrigues at 2021-06-17 19:54:32 UTC