Day 3 - Squat Hold Challenge & @Sophie Hardy was playing ZERO games!!! 2x 3MIN Squat Holds With Distraction Techniques To Ignore The Burn & I Can’t Lie It Worked Like A Dream & I Actually Was Too Busy Getting Those Gains That I Forgot It Hurt... Low Key Loving The Burn! This Week I’m Continuing The 500 Crunches Because Abs Is Life & I Got This Itty Bitty Top To Wear On The Weekend & My ‘Abs’ Need To Be On their Best Behaviour... How’s Everyone Finding The Challenge? Shout Out My Early Morning Babes, Appreciate & Love You Girls 💋 @Asha-leah @kellyrochasantos @deletedmember @Daljit

Posted by Deleted (c0af08b7) at 2021-06-23 08:47:20 UTC