Ok so I just thought I’d put this out there for anybody that’s been struggling with soreness and potential injuries developing: I went to see my physiotherapist on Friday, managed to steal a last minute cancellation they’d had (they’re super popular) and I’m so glad I went because where I’d been putting off going for over a month thinking my aches and pains would go away, this gradual pain was actually slowing down my performance in my workouts, so once she’d finished doing the massage around my glutes and lower back, used the tens machine and then finished with acupuncture I felt like a new woman!! She also recommended I rest for a couple of days until I give my body the chance to heal and I can start my workouts again on Monday (today), I’ve got to say that I did @Ciara London’s cardio vs Abs from this morning and just that one visit on Friday has improved my performance and pain MASSIVELY today!! If any of you have a similar problem to this and are thinking of seeing your physiotherapist, PLEASE GO because you don’t want to cause any further damage unnecessarily and you’ll be out of exercising longer than you’d like to be so it’s worth getting yourself checked out…!! Have a great Monday you guys, it’s truly glorious today ☀️☀️☀️ ❤️

Posted by Aysu at 2021-09-06 09:25:47 UTC