Happy Wednesday gang!!! 💕 Been a bit quiet on socials and app. Not gonna lie, I've had a very difficult and heavy couple of months being ill and struggling mentally. I think it's super important to discuss this as openly as possible. I pride myself on being real and not pretending. Mentally, I've been exhausted and being physically sick, it really showed me how much I distract myself from things that have hurt me or past traumas that I just leave and don't necessarily deal with. Anyways, I'm slowly getting there and getting the help I need. I was in the middle of a 3 month training plan with @Mike Fitness and when I got sick it threw me off completely but the progress I had made was pretty mad. 🙌🏽🔥 I'm gonna get back into my focus mode and really try not to punish myself the way I have been lately. I'm always so critical and hard on myself that I forget how far I've actually come. I think thats important is to really appreciate our journey for what it is. We are all different and all have battles but we are all on this life journey together. 💛🙏🏽 With that being said, if you need to reach out or need support, do it. I'm the worst for not asking for help and in a way its probably because I'm always the helper or giver. But we can't pour from an empty cup and unfortunately I was doing that for some time with whatever drops I had left. Sending you all good energy and as @deletedmember said in the Leg day workout yesterday... visualise your best self and keep that focus on that person. You and only you. Have an amazing week beauties 💖😘 #energy #mentalwellbeing

Posted by Daljit at 2021-09-15 08:58:37 UTC