Some motivation for your week ahead πŸ’ͺ Thank you to everyone who commented on my Instagram post. I appreciate every single one of you πŸ’› My journey has been a long and difficult one but definitely rewarding. I used to obsess over good and bad food so much I battled with bulimia for a long period of time. Nobody really prepares you for the mental impact a journey like this can have on you. You progress so much physically but your mindset is still so far behind. Those little demons do come out to play every now and again but I have to remember how far I've come and that one cheat meal isn't going to mess everything up. Balance. The Body by Ciara app is teaching me so much about excercise and nutrition! I wish I had it all those years ago πŸ˜‚ but hats off to you all grafting every single day! You're amazing & strong & can do whatever it is you set your mind to 🦡πŸ’ͺ love & light X

Posted by Gemma_Ireland93 at 2021-09-19 14:28:10 UTC