Happy Monday Gang! Another week of moving my legs in prep for my race in a few weeks!! Monday: 2 Mile Walk Tuesday: 2 Mile Run and 2 Mile Walk Wednesday: Lower Body Bands vs Weights with @Sineadtrains Thursday: Got in a live session with the one and only @Ciara London with 45 Excercises in 45 Minutes Friday: 2 Mile Walk Saturday: 4 Mile Walk Sunday: 4 Mile Run (although I nearly passed out cause it was too hot 🥵) This morning I battered my legs with @Mike Fitness and Lower Body Hypertrophy plus a 2 Mile Walk Legs do feel like there are getting stronger just need to sort out my lungs 😤 Also I made some Bulk protein brownies this arvo.. any tips on making these as I just can’t seem to get the consistency right 🙈 #everydayislegday

Posted by tina.mistry at 2021-09-27 17:08:09 UTC