I wish I had more time in my day/week to try every class because they're honestly all so good 😍 Each week I've been trying out a new class! Tues: pilates with Lauren Mads (can't tag) & leg day with @deletedmember Weds: upper body with @Asha-Leah & stretch with Olivia Eleni (can't tagπŸ˜ͺ) Thurs: booty/abs with @deletedmember & leg day with @The Real Gym Guy Fri: finishers@deletedmemberinead. Sat: legs again with @Asha-Leah πŸ”₯ I've loved every class! I've sweated and slided but got the gains in πŸ’ͺ🦡 it's hard to pick a favourite 🀣 Each week I look forward to trying something new because we're truly spoiled for choice πŸ™‚ Happy Saturday squad! Sober October for me and plenty more workouts πŸ’ͺ

Posted by Gemma_Ireland93 at 2021-10-02 13:24:03 UTC