Hey hey everyone hope you’re all well! Had a pretty good week this week although my eating wasn’t great, however I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Instead going to focus on the small changes and little by little it will start to show 💫 Monday - 45min full body sculpt @Asha-Leah Tuesday - 45min low impact leg day @Sophie Hardy Wednesday - 45min upper body AMRAP @Asha-Leah Thursday - 45 min core blimey it hurts vs bands @Sineadtrains Friday - 45min low impact hiit with abs @Mike Fitness Ready for another consistent week of the best workouts by the absolute best trainers!! 🏆Xx P.s. HAPPY EARTH DAY CIARA!!! 💚 @deletedmember

Posted by Umisha at 2021-10-10 20:37:43 UTC